المؤلفة: أكرور ميريام

المؤلفة: جربوعة منيرة

المؤلفة: مسلم خديجة

المؤلفة: مسلم خديجة

المؤلفة: بوراس لطيفة

المؤلفة: كروش نعيمة

المؤلفة: أكرور ميريام

المؤلفة: بوعمرة آسيا

المؤلف: بدري جمال

المؤلف: موسى نسيمة

المؤلف: مروك أحمد

المؤلف: حواس فتحية
Titre: intérêt de l’immunomonitoring dans le suivi thérapeutique des inhibiteurs de la calcineurine chez les greffes rénaux.
Titre: Amélioration du diagnostic biologique de la pneumocystose pulmonaire.
Titre: Acinetobacter baumannii résistant aux carbapénèmes: caractérisation phénotypique
Titre: Les facettes en céramique collées : étude clinique comparative
Titre: Méthodologie de la formulation d’une forme orale solide à libération prolongée
Titre: Apport de la cristallurie et impact de l’étude bactériologique
de l’urine pyélique
Titre: Anesthésie des tumeurs gliales situées en zones éloquentes opérée avec cartographie
Titre: Apport de l’échographie de compression dans le diagnostic des thromboses
Titre: Cancers gastriques resecables : la chirurgie est elle améliorée par la chimiothérapie ?
Titre: Asthme et statut hormonal chez la femme
Titre: Atteinte rénale au cours du syndrome hémolytique et urémique typique et atypique
العنوان: إدارة الصراع وأثرها على الرضا الوظيفي للعاملين
العنوان: دور تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في تحسين تنافسية المؤسسة
العنوان: انعكاسات الأزمات المالية على استقرار النظام النقدي الدولي
العنوان: التسويق الصيدلاني حالة « مجمع « صيدال
العنوان: تحليل إدارة الأعمال الإستراتيجية في المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة
العنوان: الحياة الفكرية بسرقسطة البيضاء خلال عهد ملوك الطوائف 1039-1118م
العنوان: المملكة اللاتينية في بيت المقدس عهد بلدوين الأول 1100-1118م
العنوان: المغول وعلاقتهم بالقوى المسيحية والإسلامية في أروبا والمشرق بين 1215- 1260م
العنوان: دور اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر والهلال الاحمر الجزائري أثناء الثورة التحريرية
العنوان: السلطة والمجتمع بالأندلس في عصر المرابطين 1085- 1144م
العنوان: الصراع الإسلامي النورماني في الأندلس في عهد عبد الرحمان الثاني 822-854م
العنوان: ظاهرة غسيل الأموال في نظرة الشريعة الإسلامية والقانون الجزائري
العنوان: أحكام وسائل منع الحمل دراسة طبية فقهية
العنوان: أسباب ورود الحديث مفهومه وفوائده
العنوان: الترجيح بين السنن بما غلب عليه عمل السلف وأثره في المذهب المالكي
العنوان: سند الحديث بين مناهج المحدثين ومواقف المستشرقين
العنوان: شرعة ومنهاج موسى عليه السلام في التوراه وموقف القرآن منها
العنوان: الوعد بالبيع العقاري على ضوء التشريع والقضاء الجزائري
العنوان: حسابات التخصيص الخاص في النظام الميزاني الجزائري
العنوان: الضمانات في مجال الصفقات العمومية في الجزائر
العنوان: الحماية الإتفاقية للإستثمار الأجنبي في الجزائر
العنوان: المبادئ الأساسية لسير الأعمال العدائية أثناء المنازعات المسلحة
العنوان: المسؤولية المدنية للطبيب في مجال زراعة الأعضاء البشرية
Auteur | Titre | Nom de la Revue | Année | DOI |
AZOUAOU Leila | Oxidative stress accelerates the carotid atherosclerosis process in patients with chronic kidney disease | Archives of Medical Science – Atherosclerotic Diseases | 2020 | Lire L’article |
AZOUAOU Leila | Implications of advanced oxidation protein products and vitamin E in atherosclerosis progression | Archives of Medical Science – Atherosclerotic Diseases | 2021 | Lire L’article |
ACHOUR Nassima | About 54 Cases of Neuromeningtic Cryptococcosis on HIV infection | Medical Journal of Clinical Trials & Case Studies | 2018 | Lire L’article |
Ghaoui HICHAM | Coxiella burnetii infection with women’s febrile spontaneous abortion reported in Algiers | ScienceDirect | 2018 | Lire L’article |
Ghaoui HICHAM | Will Utilization of Resveratrol’s Effects be Practical in Multiple Chronic Inflammatory Diseases and Autoimmune Diseases: A Detailed Review of its Immune Responses and Further Clinical Development in Humans in Future – A Systematic Review | Acta Scientific Microbiology (ASMI) | 2019 | Lire L’article |
Ghaoui HICHAM | Between Livestock’s and Humans, Q Fever Disease is Emerging at Low Noise | Acta Scientific Microbiology (ASMI) | 2019 | Lire L’article |
BELABAS Nassima | 24th Annual Conference of APASL, March 12–15, 2015, Istanbul, Turkey | Springer | 2015 | Lire L’article |
BELABAS Nassima | P-15: Les activités d’un centre de dépistage en Algérie | ScienceDirect | 2014 | Lire L’article |
TAUBER Marie | IL36RN Mutations Affect Protein Expression and Function: A Basis for Genotype-Phenotype Correlation in Pustular Diseases | The Journal of Investigative Dermatology | 2016 | Lire L’article |
TAUBER Marie | Unresectable Perineal Cuniculatum Carcinoma: Partial Remission Using Systemic Isotretinoin and Interferon-α2a Therapy | ACTA Dermato Venereologica | 2014 | Lire L’article |
TAUBER Marie | Partial clinical response to anakinra in severe palmoplantar pustular psoriasis | BJD Oxford Academic | 2014 | Lire L’article |
TAUBER Marie | Mutation in IL36RN impairs the processing and regulatory function of the interleukin-36-receptor antagonist and is associated with DITRA syndrome | Wiley: Experimental Dermatology | 2017 | Lire L’article |
TAUBER Marie | French guidelines on the use of systemic treatments for moderate-to-severe psoriasis in adults | Wiley: JEAVD | 2019 | Lire L’article |
SAHEL Houria | Une hyperpigmentation révélant un déficit sévère en vitamine B12 | Journal de pédiatrie et de Puériculture | 2019 | Lire L’article |
MAKRELOUF Mohamed | Homocystéine et génotypage de l’apolipoprotéine EHomocysteine and apolipotrotein genotypes | Revue Francophone des Laboratoires | 2007 | Lire L’article |
DJIDJIK Réda | Prevalence of BTK mutations in male Algerian patterns with agammaglobulinemia and severe B cell lymphopenia | Clinical Immunology | 2015 | Lire L’article |
BOUCENNA Hamza | Syndrome de déficit en sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase type 1 (SGPL-1) avec atteinte rénale : à propos d’un cas | Néphrologie & Thérapeutique | 2022 | Lire L’article |
Wafa SAYAH | Interleukin-6, procalcitonin and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio: Potential immune-inflammatory parameters to identify severe and fatal forms of COVID-19 | Cytokine | 2021 | Lire L’article |
Lydia Lamara Mahammed | Shrimp sensitization in house dust mite algerian allergic patients: A single center experience | World Allergy Organization Journal | 2022 | Lire L’article |
DJIDJIK Réda | Inborn Errors of Immunity in Algerian Children and Adults: A Single-Center Experience Over a Period of 13 Years (2008–2021) | Frontiers in Immunology | 2022 | Lire L’article |
Belaid, B. | T cell counts and IL-6 concentration in blood of North African COVID-19 patients are two independent prognostic factors for severe disease and death | Journal of Leukocyte Biology | 2022 | Lire L’article |
Fares MOKHTARI | Nonlinear anisotropic parabolic equations in Lm | Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences | 2014 | Lire L’article |
Lamia ZERFA | Finding non dominated points for multiobjective integer convex programs with linear constraints | Journal of Global Optimization | 2022 | Lire L’article |
Yassine BENIA | EXISTENCE OF SOLUTIONS TO BURGERS EQUATIONS IN A NON-PARABOLIC DOMAIN | Electronic Journal of Differential Equations | 2018 | Lire L’article |
Yassine BENIA | Existence of solution to Korteweg-de Vries equation in domains that can be transformed into rectangles | Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences | 2018 | Lire L’article |
Yassine BENIA | Existence of solution to Korteweg–de Vries equation in a non-parabolic domain | Nonlinear Analysis | 2020 | Lire L’article |
Yassine BENIA | Exact Solutions for a Modified Schrödinger Equation | Mathematics | 2019 | Lire L’article |
Yassine BENIA | New regularity results for the heat equation in triangular domains | SeMA Journal | 2022 | Lire L’article |
Yassine BENIA | A semilinear problem related to Burgers’ equation | Applicable Analysis | 2021 | Lire L’article |
Yassine BENIA | On the regularity of the solution of non-homogeneous Burgers wquation | Yokohama Mathematical Journal | 2020 | Lire L’article |
Rachid AMRANI | Analysis of I–V-T characteristics of Be-doped AlGaAs Schottky diodes grown on (100) GaAs substrates by molecular beam epitaxy | Microelectronics Journal | 2022 | Lire L’article |
Rachid AMRANI | Optimal identification of Be-doped Al0.29Ga0.71As Schottky diode parameters using Dragonfly Algorithm: A thermal effect study | Superlattices and Microstructures | 2021 | Lire L’article |
Rachid AMRANI | Investigation of the effects of thermal annealing on the structural, morphological and optical properties of nanostructured Mn doped ZnO thin films | Optical Materials | 2021 | Lire L’article |
Rachid AMRANI | Artificial bee colony algorithm: a novel strategy for optical constants and thin film thickness extraction using only optical transmittance spectra for photovoltaic applications | Optik | 2021 | Lire L’article |
LEMLIKCHI Wahiba | Hydroxyapatite precipitation with Blue Hydron dye | Journal of environmental management | 2017 | Lire L’article |
LEMLIKCHI Wahiba | Valorisation des Pelures de Pommes de Terre pour le traitement d’une solution aqueuse contenant un colorant textile | Journal of Water and Environmental Sciences | 2017 | Lire L’article |
LEMLIKCHI Wahiba | Enhancing removal efficiency of anionic dye (Cibacron blue) using waste potato peels powder | Scientific reports | 2021 | Lire L’article |
LEMLIKCHI Wahiba | Studies of the potential of a native natural biosorbent for the elimination of an anionic textile dye Cibacron Blue in aqueous solution | Scientific reports | 2021 | Lire L’article |
LEMLIKCHI Wahiba | Efficiency of eggshell as a low-cost adsorbent for removal of cadmium: kinetic and isotherm studies | Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery | 2021 | Lire L’article |
LEMLIKCHI Wahiba | Efficient native biosorbent derived from agricultural waste precursor for anionic dye adsorption in synthetic wastewater | Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery | 2021 | Lire L’article |
LEMLIKCHI Wahiba | Removal of Cibacron Blue P-3R (RB 49) dye from aqueous solution using chemo-physically activated biochar from Agave fiber waste | Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery | 2021 | Lire L’article |
LEMLIKCHI Wahiba | Phytic acid-doped poly-N-phenylglycine potato peels for removal of anionic dyes: investigation of adsorption parameters | New Journal of Chemistry | 2022 | Lire L’article |
BENOUADAH Ali | Physicochemical properties and pollen analyzes of some Algerian honeys | International Food Research Journal 24 | 2017 | Lire L’article |
BENOUADAH Ali | Preparation of Hydroxyapatite from Dromedary Bone by Heat Treatment | International Journal of Environmental Research | 2019 | Lire L’article |
BENOUADAH Ali | A new application of Hydroxyapatite extracted from dromedary bone: Adsorptive removal of Congo red from aqueous solution | International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology | 2020 | Lire L’article |
BENOUADAH Ali | Valorization of date palm biodiversity: physico‐chemical composition, phenolic profile, antioxidant activity, and sensory evaluation of date pastes | Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization | 2021 | Lire L’article |
BENOUADAH Ali | A comparative study on physicochemical properties of hydroxyapatite powder prepared from bovine and dromedary bone | Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society | 2022 | Lire L’article |
BOUSSAHA Bouzid | Predictions for the Isolated Diphoton Production through NNLO in QCD and Comparison to the 8 TeV ATLAS Data | Advances in High Energy Physics | 2018 | Lire L’article |
BOUSSAHA Bouzid | Earth-Skimming Ultrahigh Energy Tau Neutrinos Simulated with Monte Carlo Method and CONEX Code | Advances in High Energy Physics | 2021 | Lire L’article |
Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie | ||||
ZERMANE Nadjia | Metabolic Profile and Mycoherbicidal Activity of Three Alternaria alternata Isolates for the Control of Convolvulus arvensis, Sonchus oleraceus, and Xanthium strumarium | Pathogens | 2021 | Lire L’article |
TOUMI Mohamed | Contribution to the floristic and ethnobotanic study of the most utilized medicinal plants in the Sétifian Tell (south of the Tamentout forest) east Algeria | Mediterranean Botany | 2020 | Lire L’article |
MENAD Rafik | L’apoptose dans l’épididyme du rat des sables Psammomys obesus, Cretzschmar, 1828 : effets des variations saisonnières, castration et ligature des canaux efférents | Morphologie | 2021 | Lire L’article |
Aicha Beya Mammeria | The white stork Ciconia ciconia in the northeast of Algeria, and its relation with climatic change between 1996 and 2014 | Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science | 2019 | Lire L’article |
AIT OUAZZOU Abdenour | Inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in fruit juices by combined treatments of citrus fruit essential oils and heat | International Journal of Food Microbiology | 2012 | Lire L’article |
Mohamed E.F. Ousmaal | Circulating microparticles released during dyslipidemia may exert deleterious effects on blood vessels and endothelial function | Journal of Diabetes and its Complications | 2020 | Lire L’article |
- Professor
Department of Medical Immunolgy, Beni Messous Hospital Center,Faculty of pharmacy, University of Algiers 1.Algiers, Algeria. REVIEW EDITOR
- Assistant Professor
Department of Medical Immunolgy, Beni Messous Hospital Center, University of Algiers 1,Algiers, Algeria